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Home Forums London to Paris Cycle Training Help with training please! Reply To: Help with training please!


I cycled London to Paris a couple of years ago before the pandemic and followed the 18 week training plan on this L2P site and it really worked for me and my friends.

I had some cycling experience going into the ride but not a huge amount. We did one of the longer L2P routes via Dover and loved it and having mostly followed the 18 week training plan we felt very comfortable on the ride itself, although not at their suggested speeds, we averaged between 11-13 mph as we were carrying heavy panniers over the days.

In terms of tips, as long as you get a few smaller rides in the week and a bigger one at the weekends you’ll do fine. The double day longer rides at the weekend closer to the L2P trip really helped us, although we only did that twice due to a lack of time.

The important thing is to prepare mentally too, half the battle is what you think you can do. Having a training plan and keeping a logs of your progress massively helped us feel confident that we could do it. Also make sure you eat well and stay hydrated. We found the last few miles each day both the most challenging and rewarding but with some extra snacks we got there.

Best of luck with the ride, it’s truly amazing!