Cycle friendly hotel in Bray-et-Lû?

Home Forums Bicycle Friendly Accommodation Cycle friendly hotel in Bray-et-Lû?

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  • #703 Reply
    James Martin

    Any suggestions on a cycle friendly hotel in Bray-et-Lû? Ideally no more than 120 euros for the night.

    #704 Reply
    Sarah Wash

    I’d highly recommend Les Jardins d’Epicure in Bray-et-Lu. They let you keep your bicycles in the room or can store them for you in a secure area.

    It’s a beautiful hotel and luxurious for the price. When I stayed there this year for my London to Paris bike ride it only cost me 110 euros for the night. The swimming pool and sauna were amazing after having cycled all the way from London to get there!

    #708 Reply
    James Martin

    Thanks Sarah – this place does look amazing, just the type of place we are looking for.
    There will be a group of 8 of us cycling, did you stay with a group of cyclists? I know hotels can sometimes be funny about large groups especially those staying with bikes.

    #709 Reply
    Sarah Wash

    I stayed with 5 other cyclists and had no problems. I booked about 3 months in advance as there was quite a few of us and would probably recommend you do the same as it’s only got about 20 rooms.

    #711 Reply
    James Martin

    Thanks Sarah – I shall get on and book it quickly then – we are off in a months time!

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