Cycling with children

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  • #1067 Reply
    Bob Lott

    Hi, I’m considering doing a London to Paris as a family with two boys aged 11 and 14 taking an entire half term if necessary. Anyone got a route option that keeps to dedicated cycleways as much as possible?

    #3027 Reply
    Juan Carlos

    That sounds like an amazing family adventure! I did something similar a couple of years ago with my 12-year-old nephew. The key for us was planning enough stops to recharge. Snacks like these cyclist protein bars were a lifesaver—they taste great and really help keep your energy up on those long stretches. I bet your boys would love them!

    #3028 Reply
    Juan Carlos

    I actually found those bars on a site that specializes in fitness and cycling nutrition—they’ve got a great selection of snacks and supplements for active people. If you’re interested, you can check them out here: JR Fitness. It was super convenient to order from them before our trip, and they delivered quickly too!

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