Is spinning recommended?

Home Forums London to Paris Cycle Training Is spinning recommended?

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  • #509 Reply
    Pauline Marston-Grimley

    Hi there

    I am a novice rider and am currently training for the BHF L2P on-road ride in September. I wondered what others think of joining a spinning class and whether it would be helpful to build up my strength. I am not currently good on hills!

    best wishes

    #512 Reply
    Johnny Arthurs


    I am doing the ride in August and will be doing spinning classes in the lead up to it.

    I have not attempted the ride before, but the spinning I have done over the past 2 years has always helped my fitness.

    That said, there is a difference between spinning and hill riding with the wind against you, the latter being far more difficult. I am no expert and everyone has their own views, but I’m planning to mix spinning and road cycling leading up to the event


    #514 Reply
    Pauline Marston-Grimley

    Thanks very much for your reply. Since posting I have checked out local facilities and cannot find anywhere that does spinning classes after all, which is frustrating.

    Good luck with your own ride.


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