London to Paris via Dover

Home Forums London to Paris Cycle Routes London to Paris via Dover

  • This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by Maya.
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  • #732 Reply

    Hi Everyone,

    After doing some long cycling a group of friends, colleagues and other nutters have decided to cycle to Paris from London. We’re set on going via Dover but did seriously consider going via Dieppe. However, many of us have cycled to Brighton/done other routes around there and so wanted something a little different, hence Dover!

    We’re a relatively experienced bunch however there are a couple of people taking up road cycling for the first time. I’ve cobbled together a route for us on Strava and was just wondering if someone wouldn’t mind giving me their thoughts on it. We’re looking at getting a happy balance between challenging but not too tricky.

    Day 1-
    I appreciate you can charge down the A2 but it sounds fairly desolate so figured this might be nicer.
    Day 2-
    We were planning on having our first night in Calais but this will still be our longest day by a distance.
    Day 3-
    I’ve heard Paris can be a bit of a nightmare to cycle around/into. To this end i’ve tried to avoid St Denis.

    Anyway, any thoughts/opinions/advice would be much appreciated. I can also convert to GPX if that helps anyone.

    #736 Reply

    Hi Simon,

    I rarely post on these type of forums, but I just wanted to thank you for making these routes. I haven’t had a full look yet, however this helps me massively in starting off the basic route for my trip that is coming up next week! I’ll take a look on strava and see how they fit with my plans/accomodation etc, however I will certainly let you know how I get on with the route or any edits I make if you are completing your trip after me.

    Many thanks again and have a cracking trip if you are leaving before me.


    #745 Reply

    Hi Nathan,

    How did it go? Any tips? We’re not going till May so plenty of time to alter but i’m booking preliminary things later today!

    #792 Reply


    Is there anyone I can get contact to ask about their experience of cycling from London to Paris?

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