Contact Us

Give us your feedback, ask us a question or suggest content ... we'd love to hear from you

If you have a cycling related question then please visit our extensive London to Paris cycle ride community forums where fellow cyclists will be able to help you.

If you’ve already completed the London to Paris bike ride and wish to share your story then please go to our ‘Been there, Done That!‘ forum and submit your stories there. Your experiences will massively help those who are yet to embark on this amazing adventure. We also contact the best submissions to be featured in the community stories and community videos sections on our site.

For all other enquiries then please complete the contact form below:

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    Recommended books

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    Bicycle friendly hotels

    Need somewhere to stay?
    We've listed recommended hotels which are cycle friendly for your London to Paris bike ride.

    Recommended cycling kit

    What to take with you?
    See recommended cycling equipment for your London to Paris cycle ride.

    Other helpful links

    Some useful links for planning your very own London to Paris cycle ride: